7.1.Alfred Charles Jillett and Catherine Isabella Philips & Their Family
Alfred Charles Jillett 13/12/1845 - 1921
Catherine Jillett died 1918 Her father was Capt. George Augustus Phillips and mother Isabella Warwick
and her name recorded on the death records of Qld show her name as Isabella
Katherine Jillett. She is buried at Toowong Cemetery Brisbane. Catherine was born 4th Sept 1856
Alfred Charles Jillett and Catherine Isabella Phillips had the following children:
1.Frank Alfred Jillett B 19/9/1879 - 1946 m Marcia Cran Richardson
2. Reginald George Jillett B 22/7/1880 Died - 7/12/1882 Aged 17 months
3.Eileen Mary Jillett B 18/1/1885 m Reginald Victor Judd 1910
4.Katie Isabella Jillett B 29/2/188 M Claude Harold Annersley 1910
5. Reginald George Augustus Jillett B 18/6/1890 m Violet Celia Bryant 1924
m Mary Porter 1927
This photo shows Eileen, Katie and Reg and probably taken in about 1892
Katie was called Isabella by her mother
Various members of the family hold treasures from Catherine Phillips, including a Family Bible given to her father when he married, and also a Record book that she kept up to date with family birthdays.
The text on this photo said Reg & Paddy in Sydney 1913
Frank Alfred Jillett photos taken in Melbourne circa 1881/4
Letter written by Catherine Jillett October 11th 1891 She called herself Eileen!
In the top Left hand corner When Alf writes I want to know how much money is owing on the selections.
Dear Alf and Kate
I arrived here the day before yesterday, after a flying trip of eight days. I just managed to catch everything. Poor old father looks something awful I think, but mother says he is looking better but they are used to him.
Dr Crother was here the night I came and he says father is a blooming miracle to hand on to live like he is doing, but he can t last much longer.
Mother is looking grand and will I am sure have many a long year.
Fred Gillam is just hanging on to life, and they are expecting him to die hourly. Alf and I went up to see how he was this morning. Father was asleep when we left, and we were absent about an hour, but on our return he was awake and he gave us ???? I can tell you. He is just as big a Warrim as ever he was; yet so near death. I delivered the presents to Captain Sanderson and he was very pleased to receive them and made me promise to look them up on my return to Melbourne which I intend doing. The captain had been very ill with La Grippen and looks very bad.
I inquired about a pony for Eileen at Toowoomba, and the agent says he will have one ready for me when I return. I gave particulars of the cattle and withers to Robinson Stock and Station Agents their price Two pounds 5 shillings and 5 and 6 pence respectively and he said he thought he would find a buyer.
I say Mr Clarke of Hill Clarke and Co Sydney and he said he thought he would find a buyer for the cattle at two pounds per head. He said he would write to you about them.
Take my advice and accept the Two pounds if the other agents cant find a buyer at a larger figure. I did not intend to see Mr Parkinson when I was in Sydney. I met with a misfortune when having lunch with Val, a fish bone stuck in my throat and I was reluctantly impelled to go to a Dr and have it extracted, which cost me the modest sum of one guinea. "Nasty jar for E
KJ With love to the children and lots of kisses and regards to Miss Bently ////////the lot yourselves.
Your loving mother
PS Give my love to "Nellie" EIJ


In the Melbourne newspaper The Argus Tuesday 12th August, 1884, the following advertisement appeared:
"Important clearing-out sale of household furniture, framing implements, stock etc.
On Friday August 14th at Cheriston, Keilor Road, about four miles from Essendon Railway Station.
E.A. Paterson has been instructed by A.C. Jillett Esq (who has sold the lease of his property), to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, Keilor Road, near Essendon, on the above date, at twelve o'clock noon.
All the valuable household furniture, consisting of drawingroom suite, diningroom and bedroom furniture, kitchen utensils, churn, milk dishes.
Also 2 heavy draught horses, 4 saddle and harness horses; brown mare by Surennder out of the thoroughbred mare Miss Buckley, with foal at foot by Merrylegs; 12 cows in milk with calves at foot and springing; 110 fat sheep, 2 pigs, 2 drays, 1 spring cart, 1 headed buggy, ploughs, harrows, hay-lifter, cock-lifter, roller, forks, rakes, spades, tarpaulin, plough, dray, spring-cart and buggy harness, mis tank; about 20 tons first class oaten hay.
No reserve. Luncheon provided"

She died 21st December 1918 and is buried at Toowong Cemetery Brisbane.
Por 1 Sect 152 Gve 1
A replacement headstone has been erected for her grave as the original headstone is smashed.
Sept 2010
Her g.g.g.g. grandson Thomas, who found some flowers
to put on the grave, because his grandma forgot to bring some.
How thoughtful of him
He married Myra Selina Rex in Sydney in 1920 and he died the following year
Alfred and Catherine were married in Hobart and later lived in Victoria. Their first son Frank was born in Tasmania, and then Reginald was born in Victoria. He died at Keilor when he was just 17 months old.
He lived in the Manly district during the 1920’s. At the time Manly was just being settled, and he would have been one of the original settlers of the apartment block that he lived in.
He and Myra bought a double plot, obviously to stay together in death, but as they only married for a very short time, she found another suitor, and is not buried with Alfred!