Edward Westlake
Edward Westlake born, 28 December 1752, was tried at Exeter, Devon on 20th March 1786 for stealing 40 pounds of mutton with a value of 10 shillings. He was sentenced to transportation for 7 years and left England on the Charlotte, one of the 6 ships of the First Fleet. He was one of 717 convicts who survived, arriving at Port Jackson on 26th January, 1788. Now known as Australia Day.
He was married in England on 30th December 1779 to Elizabeth Mortimer. He died on 11th November 1828 at New Norfolk.
In March 1788, not long after arriving, a party of 23 people including 15 convicts (9male, 6 female) were chosen to make the 1368 klm journey to Norfolk Island. The aim was to farm the land and to grow crops to support the increasing population in Sydney. Edward was sent as he was the best of a bad lot.
After serving his sentence, he and his wife and 6 children were relocated to Van Diemen s Land in 1808 aboard the City of Edinburgh. He was granted land at Clarence Plains (Rokeby) He remained a grazier and died in 1828. He was buried at New Norfolk.
At the time of his conviction, it was noted that his partners in the crime were John Mortimer and Noah Mortimer. Edward was married to Elizabeth Mortimer, so it is assumed that they were relations of hers. A report from the night watch member while the ship was at Dunkirk notes that the hulk was "tolerably decent and orderly."
Given that the convicts were chained together, the conditions must have been deplorable.
There are some articles relating to Edward in the Tasmanian newspapers, he was able to supply wheat, and then in 1823, his land lease had not been taken up.
Elizabeth Wood nee Adams
Elizabeth was convicted in England and transported to Australia. Elizabeth was to married to James Wood, in 1787 in England, and had two children. A daughter Elizabeth born 1787 accompanied her on the convict ship. They were sent to Norfolk Island, and her relationship with Edward Westlake began., with a marriage record of 1791.
Edward and Elizabeth had 7 children.
Mary born 1794, married John Broadhurst Boothman, and had 7 children see Bio on John Boothman below
Ann born 1797,
Susannah 1798, not on the Memorial and married Thomas Shone
Richard 1800,
George 1802 d 1814
Samuel 1803
Charles 1804 d 1877.
Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth was also known as Elizabeth Westlake. Elizabeth Jnr married James Pillinger. They had two children while on Norfolk, and many more when they returned to Tasmania. Information from the Tasmanian Archives is listed below.
Only 6 children returned to Tasmania on the City of Edinburgh. Several of the children can be accounted for
as the remaining 3 sons all appear on the musters recorded in 1818, 1819. Mary and Susannah had recorded marriages , and George died in 1814, Charles died in 1877.
The newspaper records of the day provide an insight into the life and times of the families. In 1827 Samuel Westlake, a sawyer absconded from his employer, he stated he was sick and never returned! In 1829, Edward Westlake owed 18 shillings to the Government for his 105 acres at Gloucester. He was farming wheat. His partner in crime Noah Mortimer also owed money for his rent!
Elizabeth Westlake died in Hobart 19th November 1808. Who then, raised the children?
Elizabeth Wood was married to John Wood. Her maiden name was Adams. She was found guilty of defrauding Ann Gadbury and sentenced to transportation for 7 years. She arrived in the Second Fleet on the Neptune, 1790. She was 5'5" tall, grey eyes, brown hair, shallow complexion, and came from Kent.
Three of the Norfolk Islanders were the Devon men, John Mortimore, Noah Mortimore and Edward Westlake, each had been jointly tried at Exeter for stealing a sheep valued at twelve shillings, and forty pounds of mutton valued at ten shillings. The sheep stealing charge was dismissed but each received seven years transportation on the second count. John and Noah may have been father and son as John was stated to be 70 years of age when he received 100 lashes on Norfolk Island in 1791.
Colonial Tasmanian Family Links Detail
See bottom of this page for explanation of symbols.
Gender: Female
Birth 1787 - LONDON,ENGL [AO]
Marriage/Relationship: 1806 - NORFOLK ISLANDLAND ( PILLINGER, JAMES ) [AO]
Death: 1824 - HOBART,Tasmania [AO]
Other Names:
288037 WOOD ELIZABETH 1753
248909 PILLINGER JAMES 1807 See story below
248906 PILLINGER MARY 1808
Elizabeth Wood (born about 1763), (wife of John Wood ), was tried at the Old Bailey Sessions on 9th September 1789, convicted, and sentenced to transportation for 7 years.
She was charged with stealing, on 19th August from a hosier s shop kept at Shoreditch Turnpike (London) by Isaac Garner, a pair of silk stockings (worth seven shillings ) and a pair of cotton stockings (three shillings and sixpence ). She and a younger woman, Sarah Conjuit, were tried by Mr Justice Wilson and a Middlesex Jury; Sarah was carrying a child, thought to be Elizabeth Wood s daughter. Elizabeth and her small daughter, aged about 4, also named Elizabeth , were in Newgate Prison until 11th November 1789 when they and other convicts taken to the River Thames to be taken by lighter to the "Neptune" transport at Woolwich, where she had been since mid-October awaiting her complement of convicts.
The "Neptune" sailed as part of the Second Fleet from Portsmouth on 17th January 1790; the "Neptune" was built in the Thames in 1779 and was the largest vessel used to that date in transporting convicts. She arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on 13rd April and after 16 days at the Cape she sailed again on 29th April, arriving at Port Jackson, New South Wales, 28th June 1790, having been 160 days on passage.
A total of 502 convicts embarked on "Neptune", 161 died at sea and 269 sick were landed at Port Jackson. The conditions on board were indescribably bad, scurvy was rife.
Elizabeth and her small daughter were sent from Port Jackson to Norfolk Island on the "Surprize", arriving 7th August 1790.
On Norfolk Island, Elizabeth (senior) formed a relationship with a First Fleeter, Edward Westlake
Edward was born at Sampford Courtnay in Devon, son of Edward Westlake and Mary Reddaway, and baptised on 28th December 1752. He married Elizabeth Mortimer at Chagford, Devon, on 30th December 1779, and their sons John born 1780, Edward born 1784, and Thomas born 1785 were all born at Chagford where their father Edward was a farmer.
He was indicted with John and Noah Mortimer (probably his father- and brother- in law) at Exeter on 20 March 1786 for the theft of 40 pounds of mutton worth 10/- and sentenced to transportation for seven years. He was 34 when received on the hulk "Dunkirk", where he was "tolerably decent and orderly", and embarked on the First Fleet ship "Charlotte" on 11th March 1787. The three men were part of the advance party of 23 people who sailed from Port Jackson on the "Supply" on 15th February 1788 and arrived at Norfolk Island in March 1788 to settle that island; these were the first settlers on Norfolk Island.
Elizabeth and Edward Westlake had eight children.
Elizabeth Wood, the child transported with he mother aboard the "Neptune" in 1790 married James Pillinger on 15th January 1806 on Norfolk Island.
The Westlake and Pillinger families were relocated to Van Diemens Land aboard the "City of Edinburgh" in 1808.
Elizabeth Westlake was buried as Elizabeth Wood in Hobart on 19th November 1808 (age given as 45). Edward Westlake died in New Norfolk 11th November 1828 (age given as 77).
At the Devon Lent Assizes, held at Exeter on 20 Mar 1786 before Sir James Eyre and Sir Beaumont Hotham; John Mortimer, Noah Mortimer & Edward Westlake were committed for sheep stealing on 26 Dec 1785.
"For stealing one weather sheep price 12 shillings the goods of John Rowe and for stealing 40 pounds of mutton, value 10 shillings the goods of a person unknown."
All three men were found not guilty of the first charge but guilty of the second and sentenced to seven years transportation.
He was 34 years of age when received on the hulk "Dunkirk", where he was "tolerably decent and orderly" and embarked on Mar 11 1787 with the First Fleet on the "Charlotte" which arrived at Port Jackson 26 Jan 1788.
Westlake was selected as one of a founding party of 23 persons to settle Norfolk Island from Port Jackson sailing on the "Supply", 15 Feb 1788, under the command of Lieut. Philip Gidley King.
King had promised that they could return to England after their sentences were complete.
Those people going were:
Jamieson, Surgeon s Mate of the "Sirius"; Mr James Cunningham, Master s Mate of the "Sirius"; Mr T. Altree, Assistant Surgeon; two seamen- Roger Morely & William Westbrook; two Marines from the "Sirius"-Kerridge & Batchelor; Six female convicts-Elizabeths Lee, Hipsley & Colley, Olive Gascoin, Ann Inett and Susan Gough; six male convicts-Charles Mc Lellan, Richard Widdicombe, Edward Garth, Edward Westlake, John Mortimore, Noah Mortimore, Nathaniel Lucas and two other names not known.
King discovered Lord Howe Island en route and arrived off Norfolk Island on the 28th of February and landed on the island on 6 Mar 1788.
Westlake petitioned Governor Phillip on 28 Sep to allow his family to be sent out to join him. The request was granted but his family did not go to NSW.
Further landings of convicts were made so that by Feb of 1790 there were 149 inhabitants.
In Jul 1791 he was subsisting three persons on a one acre size Sydney town lot with 58 rods cleared
In Sept 1791 Lt-Gov. King had deemed it necessary to nominate a nightwatch of 21 persons, to patrol several assigned areas. Edward Westlake was one of 5 trusted men to patrol the Arthur s Vale area, under Captain Hussey, defined "from Capt Paterson s garden to the Governor s garden."
On 15 Jan 1793 Westlake was granted 24 acres, (Lot 3) which is about 800 metres east of the wharf at Cascade Bay, and had 2 sows, a cock and six hens, going off stores at once for grain and by May for meat.
By Oct 1793 he had cultivated four of his 24 acres, all ploughable, and in June he was living with Elizabeth Wood and three children (Elizabeth had been sent to Norfolk Island after arriving with the Second Fleet).
In 1794 Edward Westlake was described as a farmer and the occupations of the Norfolk Islanders in Feb 1805 show the three men as settlers and landowners, and off the stores, as their sentences had expired.
By Mar 1805 he had seven children, all born in the colony plus the daughter that Elizabeth Wood brought with her on the "Neptune". He was a second class settler with 20 acres cultivated and 62 waste, he also owned 36 swine.
In 1806 he was credited 22 pounds ten shillings for the sale of 15 full grown sheep.
In Aug 1807 he is recorded as holding 82 acres, 15 in grain and 67 pasture, with 21 sheep, 36 hogs and 100 bushells of maize in hand.
When it was decided to disband the settlement five vessels were used over a period of six years to transport the inhabitants of Norfolk Island to Van Diemen s Land..
William Maum in a letter he wrote to a friend about the trip on the "Porpoise":-
"We arrived here in safety after a most favourable passage of 19 days (ship records say it took 23 days). We encountered no storms and the sea was so smooth that an open boat might safely come the same voyage, which was a happy circumstance considering the great number packed and stored on board, whose situation would be deplorable had we encountered bad weather.....On our arrival here the settlers and others were billeted on the inhabitants of this town, which is far larger than you could suppose. The houses in general are lath and plaster, and immoderately dear, as a house equal in size to your workshop, of such bad materials, would bring you 50 pounds."
The "City of Edinburgh" was chartered to move the Norfolk Islanders. She sailed from there on 9 Sep 1808 and arrived at Hobart Town 2 Oct 1808.
Among those on board was Edward Westlake, his wife and six children. He had left behind buildings valued at 22 pounds plus 82 acres and was to receive 105 acres at Roache s Beach, Rokeby (Bellerive or Clarence Plains). The population of Hobart Town in 1808 was 799 persons
Note. In some records his name was spelt Westlick, the phonetic spelling.
Colonial Secretary s Index held at NSW Archives lists :-
"1796, Dec 30 - on list of all grants and leases of land registered in the CSO
In an index to land grants in VDL (1813) -Fiche 3262; 4/438. p.94.
1819-1822 On list of persons owing quit rents in VDL, for land at Clarence Plains
25 May 1821- Indebted to the Government at Hobart (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p 64c.)
In 1815 he signed a petition for a Court of Criminal Judicature.
"Hobart Town Gazette" Sat 29 March 1817 : "A List of Settlers who have tendered Wheat for Supply of His Majeftey s Stores, with the Quantity that will be received from each-- Edw. Weftlake 39 bufhels"
"H.T. Gazette" Sat 14 Feb 1818 under Public Notice: "The under-mentioned Grants of Land are now lying at the Acting Deputy Affiftant Commiffary General s Office for Delivery on the Fees being paid which are due thereon- Edward Weftlake, 105 acres, 2/2/7d"
The 1818 Muster taken from 7 Sep till 2 Oct, 1818 listed every person in Hobart Town includes Edward Westlake as off the stores.
"H.T.Gazette" 28 Mar 1823 advertised a 60 acre grant for Edward Westlake that would be relinquished if not taken up.
Another search reveals information about Edward Westlake and his coherts in crime the Mortimers, from the Lucas history
Alfred Thomas Pillinger (1839 - 1899), by J. W. Beattie, courtesy of Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts, State Library of Tasmania. AUTAS001125880658. .
Image Details
PILLINGER, ALFRED THOMAS (1839-1899), landowner and politician, was born at Antill Ponds, near Oatlands, Van Diemen s Land, son of James Pillinger and his wife Sophia, née Peters. His father was born on Norfolk Island in 1806; the family went to Van Diemen s Land in 1808; he worked for William Kimberley who had taken up much land and ran a large h
erd of wild cattle in the unsettled areas. By 1830 James was overseer at Salt Pan Plains for Kimberley whose recommendation of Pillinger as sober, honest and industrious won him a free grant of 320 acres (130 ha) near Oatlands.
Pillinger then had 400 sheep, 30 cattle, 4 working bullocks and a mare. In 1831 he bought 500 adjoining acres (203 ha) and with help from Thomas Anstey was appointed poundkeeper at Kitty s Rivulet. In 1836 James was appointed division constable at Oatlands. He was
married at St David s, Hobart Town, on 7 September.
Alfred was educated at private schools and Horton College in Ross and became enthusiastic for
astronomy. He then worked for his father and soon won repute as an expert in farming and
husbandry. With headquarters at his father s property, Millbrook, near Tunbridge, he acquired
various other holdings totalling 15,000 acres (6075 ha) and stocked them with cattle and merino
sheep. Worried by the drain of young Tasmanians to the mainland, he told the select committee on
immigration in 1865 that the island had at least a million unsettled acres (405,000 ha) fit for
cultivation where newcomers could start with only £50 if they clubbed with neighbours for acquiring
bullocks and equipment. To set an example, he continued to lease crown lands and redeem them
from their wild state by fencing, building and road-making at his own cost.
However, the 1872 Waste Lands Act limited these activities despite his petition to parliament.
Pillinger became a coroner and a territorial magistrate. Attracted by public affairs, he was elected a councillor of the Oatlands Municipality and became its warden in 1874. He resigned in 1876 when elected for Oatlands to the House of Assembly on 17 July. He was minister for land and works under P. O. Fysh from October 1888 to August 1892 and under Sir Edward Braddon from April 1894 to May 1899. He travelled widely in Tasmania and acquired exceptional understanding of parliamentary practices and local government. Although no orator, he won the respect of all parties for his shrewd judgment, sincerity and good temper. He was generous in creating jobs for those out of work and supporting those in distress, especially old people. In his own electorate he advocated conservation at Lake Crescent to provide irrigation for the lowlands and prevent flooding.
Pillinger died in Hobart on 6 May 1899 and was survived by his wife Georgina, née Nichols, whom he had married on 15 April 1886 at Castra near Ulverstone, and by one son and three daughters. His public funeral was the largest until then in Hobart. Flags were flown at half-mast in the city and the crowded service in St David s Cathedral was conducted by an Anglican clergyman. At the graveside in Cornelian Bay cemetery a Wesleyan minister gave an address since Pillinger was reared and died as a Methodist.
Select Bibliography
Cyclopedia of Tasmania, vol 1 (Hob, 1900); A. McKay (ed), Journals of the Land Commissioners for Van Diemen s Land, 1826-28 (Hob, 1962); Votes and Proceedings (House of Assembly, Tasmania), 1865 (61), 1878 (70, 94), 1888-89 (124); Examiner (Launceston), 8 May 1899; Mercury (Hobart), 8 May 1899. More on the resources
Print Publication Details: Pillinger, Alfred Thomas (1839 - 1899) , Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press, 1974, pp 445-446.

The Bibliography of James Pillinger's son Alfred, gives an insight into early farming in Tasmania
Susannah Westlake's great nephew
The details on the monument are incorrect
Boothman, John Broadhurst (1779? - 1829)
11 November 1829, Hobart Town, Van Diemen s Land (Tasmania), Australia
Cultural Heritage:
* English
* convict
* convict administrator
* emancipist
* farmer
* police officer
* public servant
* Life Summary
* Resources
* Abbreviations
BOOTHMAN, JOHN BROADHURST (1779?-1829), convict and public servant, had humble origins in Lancashire, England. He worked as a servant to Thomas and Joseph Ridgeway, bleachers of Horwich, near Bolton. On 20 January 1802, at the age of 22, he was charged in the Lancashire Quarter Sessions at Manchester with embezzling £20 from his employers, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to transportation for seven years. He came to Australia with William Collins expedition in 1803 and served as a subordinate of the night watch at the original Port Phillip settlement. Moving with Collins to the Derwent in 1804, he continued to perform minor administrative duties, notably as commissariat clerk, until his emancipation in 1809.
Thereafter, apart from a short break in the summer of 1817-18, he served the government of Van Diemen's Land for more than a decade, first as store-keeper at Hobart Town, then as clerk in the office of the governor s secretary and for six months in 1816-17 as acting secretary, then as one of the superintendents of convicts at Hobart, and finally in 1818 as principal superintendent at Port Dalrymple.
In this capacity he moved first to Launceston, then in November to George Town. Here, in 1819 he had charge of the building of Government House and was also made chief district constable. Boothman was unable to avoid altogether that process of charge and counter-charge so common among early officialdom: thus, as friend and sometime assistant to Leonard Fosbrook he was implicated to some extent in the latter's trial in Sydney in 1814 for fraud and peculation. However, he remained relatively unscathed until April 1820, when a dispute with Lieutenant Vandermeulen, inspector of public works at George Town, led to his suspension and subsequent dismissal for insubordination, though in confirming this action Lachlan Macquarie noted that Vandermeulen was not entirely free from blame. Boothman later held two small land grants in the north of the island, but when he died at Hobart on 11 November 1829, he left his family wholly destitute.
In 1810 he had married Mary Westlake, daughter of a convict, who had come with his family to Hobart from Norfolk Island two years earlier. In 1844 Boothman s third daughter, Mary Ann, married Edward Terry of Askrigg, Macquarie Plains, a property which has remained in the hands of descendants to the present day. One son, John Broadhurst junior, was the original lessee of Hope Island in Port Esperance (a rabbit-breeding venture); other sons and several grandsons entered the public service.
Select Bibliography
Historical Records of Australia, series 1, vols 7-9, series 3, vols 1-3; correspondence file under Boothman (Archives Office of Tasmania). More on the resources
Author: R. L. Wettenhall
Print Publication Details: R. L. Wettenhall, Boothman, John Broadhurst (1779? - 1829) , Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, Melbourne University Press, 1966, p. 126.