William Bradshaw was born in Port Jackson, 2nd Sept 1800 and was baptised on Norfolk Island 27th March 1806 together with his brother
James and sister Susanna at Norfolk Island.
William returned with his parents in 1808 on the Lady Nelson, but maintained his name Bradshaw, presumably as his parents were still unmarried.
William married Mary Jane Gunn 28th February 1821. She was the first born Tasmanian, so her death notice in the paper of 8th May 1873 reported.
In 1823 William Bradshaw was granted 60 acres at Methven (York Plains).
William and Mary had 13 children.
Elizabeth Bradshaw B 23 Dec 1821 d 23 Feb 1842 m Capt Joseph Oakley
William Bradshaw B 6 July 1823 d 1895 m Louisa Elwin
James Thomas Bradshaw B 1824 d 10 July 1896 m Ellen Bacon d 1867
m. Jane Hay
John Bradshaw B 21 Dec 1827 d 1892 m Maria Bacon He was a miller in Oatlands
Sarah Ann Bradshaw B 5 Mar 1830 d 1842 m Thomas Bowden
Mary Bradshaw B 1830 m Charles Bradshaw (first cousin)
Jemima Lillian Bradshaw B 28 Mar 1834 d 1899 m James Bruce
Frederick David Bradshaw B 23 Nov 1835 d 28 June 1869 not married
Thomas Alfred Bradshaw B 7 Nov 1839 d 6 Jan 1840
Louisa Bradshaw B 13 July 1843 d 1898 m Capt Joseph Oakley (prev married to her sister Elizabeth)
Harriet Mary Bradshaw B 13 Jan 1844 d 1883 m Job Hale
Alfred Henry Edward Bradshaw B 16 July 1846 d 12 May 1918 m Margaret Spelman
Between the years of 1815 and 1830 William Bradshaw supplied meats to the colony. He also was granted several blocks of land.
He farmed around the New Norfolk area, and grew crops (hops).
In 1819 William was the licensee of the "Jolly Sailor" hotel in Campbell Street, Hobart, near the Prisoners Barracks.
It is just possible that this pub was the forerunner to the "royal Exchange Hotel" which was first licensed in 1860
and is located on the corner of Campbell and Bathurst Streets Hobart.
In 1842 he purchased 640 acres at Monmouth for 161 pounds. His brother Thomas also purchased at the same time.
The lots were purchased from William Henry Windsor of Hobart Town.
Unfortunately he must have fallen upon hard times, as he died in 1859, and in 1860 was listed as being insolvent.
His wife Mary Jane placed ads in the press in 1860, advising that she was the only person with the authority to sell her horse,
and she referred to it being at Lions Inn Jerusalem at the property of John Bradshaw, which must be her son.
The advertisement stated she lived at Hodge Farm New Norfolk.
In 1861, a notice in the paper advises that Mrs Bradshaw is able to remove her crops from the lands which were leased.
In the records of lands held in the District of New Norfolk 1858, it shows that William Bradshaw snr hold the following properties:
Proprietor/Occupier of Hodge Farm 300 acres
Occupier of 84 acres owned by William Young (BiL)
Occupier of Crown Land lot 172 500 acres

"Green Cottage Magna"
Home of William Bradshaw

Mary Jane Gunn was the daughter of Samuel and Jannet Gunn. Samuel Gunn was born 1781 in England and he died 15th March 1859. It would appear from the inquest of his death on 25th March 1859 that he drowned in the Derwent River at New Norfolk. He is buried in St Matthew's cemetery, New Norfolk. He arrived in 1804 on the "Calcutta" having been sentenced to 7 years. The journey took 168 days, and was scheduled to go to Port Phillip, but Collins found it unsuitable for a settlement, and transferred the expedition to Sullivan's Cove on the banks of the Derwent River, thus becoming the founder of Hobart instead of Melbourne.
Samuel was 18 years old when he became an apprentice carpenter's mate at H.M. Dockyards at Woolwich, England. He served on several ships as a carpenter, and went to the Battle of Copenhagen under Capt Bligh and to Gibralter with the "duke of Kent". On 1st July 1802 while working as a labourer, he was charged by John Wright, a farmer of Forham, for stealing a saddle worth 9 shillings from his stable. Six months after arriving in Sullivan's Cove he married Jannet Patterson, their's being the third marriage in the colony.
A report in the Hobart Town newspaper of 1804 indicates that Rev Knopwood married Samuel Gunn (prisoner) to Janett Paterson, a free woman, and daughter of Superintendent William Paterson. Janett and her father were on board the HMS Calcutta he a Superintendant she free.
Samuel Gunn was an ex-navy shipwright who soon became a trusted tradesman on the waterfront. When it appeared that Janett was pregnant, a hasty marriage was arranged, and their daughter Mary Jane was born later in 1804 and Christened on 1st January 1805. Samuel Gunn was a hard worker who soon had his own house built near the waterfront. It was so large that he was able to rent some space to the Grove family, another convict and trusted friend of Governor Collins.
Jannet and Samuel Gunn had 5 children, 2 married into the Jillett family.
Mary Jane Gunn Christened 1st January 1805 in Hobart (first Caucasian child born in the colony
Jemima Lydia Gunn Christened 22 nd June 1806 in Hobart
Samuel James Gunn Christened 8th July 1808. (Nothing more has been researched about this Samuel)
Sarah Ann Gunn Christened 26th April 1810 in Hobart
Daniel John Gunn Christened 23rd August 1813
In 1812 Samuel Gunn built the "Campbell MacQuarie" a square rig ship. Governor Davey granted him 50 acres of land and Samuel built a large house in Hunter Street.
Mary Jane's mother Janett Gunn died aged 46 years on 4th April 1826. Her father Samuel then married Ann Hart in 1827 in Hobart. In 1823 Samuel Gunn had built on land at MacQuarie Point Hobarton.
From May 1848 to October 1857 Samuel had 13 convicts assigned to him. Records show that in 1817 Samuel Gunn departed Hobart as a seaman on the "Spring" a whaling expedition.
On 27th June 1837 a Samuel Gunn departed Hobart aboard the "Emma" for Kangaroo Island in South Australia. This area provided the salt required for the whaling fleets. It may be that this is Samuel Gunn Jnr.
Sarah married Thomas Green in Hobart 1827. She died in 1840. She had 5 children and her youngest was only 1 year old when she died.
Daniel Gunn married Emma Henrietta Proctor in Hamilton Tasmania on 24th September 1849. Daniel died in 1852.
John Bradshaw
From Ian Parce State Archivist Tasmania .James Bruce arriving with father James a blacksmith his mother Christina, sister Margaret 10 & Maryann 7 arrived in Tasmania on the 10th August 1833 (from Scotland) marriage reg for James Bruce jr & Jemima Bradshaw ref rgd 37/167/1857 death reg Christina 35/27/1874. & James sr 35/47/1858
Margaret married Samuel Ricketts 24 Dec 1838 she was 17 & he was 27, Samuel was a shoe maker bullock driver for the Dept of Aborigines in 1850 also got the inquest report on Muriel Blanche Ricketts burns it is 4 pages long the poor girl really suffered i have also applied for Olive Eugenie Bruce also burns the paper says the mother neglectful (Jemima) Thanks to Julie Williamson
James George Gregory Bradshaw details of an entry in Cyclopaedia of Tasmania: 1900, p.537 no photograph) Thanks to Sue Collins
Mr George Bradshaw, engineer in charge of the machine shops for the Mount Lyell Company was born in Oatlands, Midlands of Tasmania in 1858 and educated there. His father the late Mr John Bradshaw was a miller of Oatlands, and had the first steam flour mills in that town, being one of the first to introduce silk dressing machines in Tasmania.
On completing his education he served his apprenticeship with Mr John Clark late inspector of machinery, Hobart. He then joined the Main Line Railway Company of Tasmania, under Honorable C.H,. Grant, MLC. CE, general manager and was for 6 years the foreman of machines under the immediate supervision of Mr William Cundy the locomotive superintendent of the company.
He then started business for himself and erected flour mills in various parts of the colony. After a short sojourn of 12 months in Queensland, he returned to Tasmania and took a position at the Golden Gate mine at Mathinna, where he remained until 1890. He then went to Zeehan and remained in the employ of the Silver Queen Company for 12 months. Leaving that company's employ to erect the machinery for the Adelaide Silver Mining Company, Dundas.
Mr. Bradshaw was there until the mine closed down and in 1896 he found himself working in the machine shops of the Mount Lyell Company and also assisting in the erection of the converting plant.
His abilities were recognised by the company, who appointed him engineer in charge of their machine ships in November 1897.
He was a member of the Queenstown Town Board from 1898. In 1897 he married Miss Arnett, daughter of the late Simon Arnett, council clerk for many years for the municipality of Bothwell.