[PRO HO 26/5 Reel 2371]
January Sessions, Old Bailey, London
1797, Jan 7
GILLETT, Robt., vide ELSTON, Thos.
Jan 7Elston, Thomas alias Robert Gillett aged 36,
5f 6in, dark complxn., brown hair, grey eyes, Kingston-upon-Thames, a Shoemaker
Place Committed Newgate, tried before Williams, Old Bailey for Returning from transportation before his time had expired on Jan 11,
Before Chf Baron
Sentence Death. Respd. (=respited) on the Report and pardoned 24 Febry 1797, to be
transported for life.
Transferred28 Sept 1797 (to Prudentia?)
NoteIs an old offender escaped lately out of Ilchester Goal where he wascommitted for a burglary - he broke open the house of Mr Trecothie at Addington in Surrey
[Also The Times, 12JAN1797], as follows:
The Sessions commenced this day, before the LORD CHIEF BARON, the Justices ROOKE and LAW-RENCE, and the RECORDER.
Robert Gillett was charged with being feloniously at large before the expiration of the term for which he had been ordered at Surry Assizes. The Prisoner did not deny the fact, but stated his having worked all last winter with a shoemaker in Plymouth; and the Gaoler testified to his good behaviour while in prison.---- Guilty, but recommended to mercy.]
There are several reference for Elston in and around the Shere area near where he robbed the house. There is evidence that the Elston’s were in fact shoemakers!
14 Oct., 1730. Robert Elston of Shere, shoemaker, bachelor,
30, and Jane Storer of Rygate, spinster, 21 ; at Hedly. John Goddard
of W. Horsley, " paganus." Both sign.
29 Dec, 1759. David May of Sheere, abode 4 weeks, butcher,
bachelor, 24, and Elizabeth Bignold of Sheere, alrode 4 weeks, spinster,
25 ; at Sheere. James Elston of Sheere, cordwainer, 2nd s. Both
Shere is a village in the Guildford district of Surrey, England about 6 miles (9.7 km) east of Guildford and 4 m (6.4 km) west of Dorking, bypassed by the A25.
St Peter and St Paul’s Church West Clandon Surrey has a grave for a James Elston, also a Thomas Elston
A cordwainer is a shoemaker!