Wilfred Patrick Herron married Gweneth Joan Bauer on 27th August 1955, in Barolin St Methodist Church at Bundaberg at 12.30pm. Gweneth was the daughter of Clive Bauer and Mabel Tasker.
Jo-Anne Gweneth Joan Bauer, was born 8/10/1936 at The Klady Chelmsford Hospital Bundaberg and Weighed 7lb 8 oz.
She changed her name from Gweneth Joan Herron to Jo-AnneHerron
She died of a cerebral haemorrhage - ruptured aneurysm
Wilfred (Wilf) entered the Military Services with the Aust Imperial Forces on
9th March 1946 - 30th June 1947
Interim Army 1st July 1947 - 2nd April 1948
His Service Number is QX500170
The total period he served was 756 days
Active Service Australia 254 days
Active Service overseas 491 days (British Commonwealth Occupation Forces - Japan)
Discharged Date 2nd April 1948
Military service Between 9th March 1946 - 2nd April 1948 - Aust Imperial Forces, BCOF (Japan)
His personal description at completion of service reads: Height 5 ft 71/2 inches; Green eyes; Fair hair; with a scar on his right knee
His cause of Death: Metastatic adenocarcinoma pancreas (pancreas and liver cancer)
Children of Wilfred (Wilf) and Joanne
Rodney (Rod) Glenn Herron B 21/3/1956 at Roma
Russell James Herron B 8/10/1959 in Bundaberg
Wilf had an interesting life in regards to school and work.
From 1933 to 1935 he attended Horshoe Lagoon State School at Roma with his two brothers. They lived at Orallo, Roma
From 1935 - 1937 he attended Salisbury State School in Brisbane and lived at Keats St Moorooka
From 1938 to 1940 he attended Tansy School and Manumbur.
He worked in various locations including
1940 - 43 Lowes Service Station Ipswich Road, Brisbane and lived at Salisbury
1943 - 45 South Brisbane Tobacco Co, Stanley St Sout Brisbane and lived at Salisbury
1946 - 48 Army
1948 - 51 Fencing Contractor at Roma
1952 - 53 Fencing Contractor at Alpha
1954 - 57 Canecutter at Bundaberg and lived at Burnett Heads
1957 - 58 Bundaberg Harbour Board and lived at MS 108 North Bundaberg
1959 Sullivan Tug Co as a deckhand in Bundaberg
1959 - 61 Tugmaster at Bowen Constructions
1961 - 62 Tugmaster and Crane driver Mc Donald Constructions
1962 - 76 Cane Harvesting Contractor Mackay and lived at 10 High St, Mackay
1976 - 82 Petes Nut Products at Walkerston, Mackay
1983 - 84 Wormald (Part time) and lived at 6 Pugsley St Walkerston
1984 - 85 Evans Avenue
Operator serviceman - Security and as a groundsman

Holding brother Dale's horse